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As this site grows, it will become a comprehensive source of information about the Snow-Trac ST4, the Trac-Master ST4B, and the Snow-Master ST4B, a line of VW-powered snow vehicles made in Sweden from 1957 through 1981.

If you own one of these fascinating machines, and would like to contribute photos or technical information, please send e-mail to:

ST4 versus ST4B

The main difference between the ST4 and the ST4B is their width: The ST4B (Trac-Master and later Snow Master) has significantly wider and slightly longer tracks. The Snow-Trac ST4 is only 6 feet 2 inches wide, and about 12 feet long -- rather small compared to most other closed-cab snowcats. It is also quite light, with its VW engine and mostly-aluminum body, so even with the relatively narrow tracks it handles deep snow very well. These are great for narrow trails. The wider ST4B models are over 8 feet wide, have more aggressive grousers (metal cleats) on the tracks, and are geared a bit lower than the ST4, so they are best for very steep "back country" terrain.

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